Book Review: Right of Conquest (Love. Honour. Conquer. #1) by Ashe Barker


I wanted to love this book, but I had a serious problem with Richard beating Frances’ backside with a belt (20 lashes) then later on with willow switches that he made her go get herself and keep in a bucket of water in her room. He made her hand them to him two at a time, had her strip down naked (both times), then whipped her until she could not sit. He never drew blood, but he left marks. That is not erotic spanking. That is abuse. Him making her strip bare was an act to humiliate and subjugate her. I didn’t like him after the belt incident and I loathed him after the willow switches.

Frances was a victim of circumstance. She and her brother had just been conquered by the English and her brother fled before he would be executed with her help. She handed over the castle to Richard, although not meekly.

I have no idea how these two fell in love. I certainly didn’t see it or feel it. I would not like a man who called me a slut or a strumpet, like he called Frances. He obviously didn’t respect her, unless it suited him.

Even when he turned benevolent, I still didn’t trust him or like him.

I also thought the ending was too abrupt and unsatisfying. I just didn’t like him and I thought Frances was too wishy-washy. Both characters were weak and not well-developed. I never knew what to expect from either of them.

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